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Rare and modern books

Buckle Richard - Lady Epstein

EPSTEIN DRAWINGS (con dedica autografa di Kathleen Epstein) - 1962

Faber and Faber, London 1962,

50.00 €

Vanzella Libreria

(Treviso, Italy)

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Buckle Richard - Lady Epstein
Faber and Faber, London 1962


In 4o, pagg. 23, tutta tela con sovraccoperta, 64 tavole fuori testo. Prima edizione con dedica autografa di Kathleen Epstein, intellettuale e artista, moglie dello scultore Jacob Epstein (Kathleen Epstein was an important figure in interwar artistic and intellectural circles in London. Kathleen Second wife of Sir Jacob Epstein, married 1955. Kathleen sold Epstein Collection in 1959, after Jacob's death). Copertina leggermente impolverata (42741/SCULTURA - JACOB EPSTEIN - KATHLEEN EPSTEIN)
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