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Rare and modern books

Asmis, Elizabeth (Ed.)

Classical Philology Volume 104 2009 [4 Bd.e]. A Journal Devoted to Research in Classical Antiquity.

The University of Chicago Press., 2009.,

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Asmis, Elizabeth (Ed.)
The University of Chicago Press., 2009.
534 Seiten / p. Broschiert / Paperback.
Dust jacket
First edition


Aus der Bibliothek von Prof. Wolfgang Haase, langj�igem Herausgeber der ANRW und des International Journal of the Classical Tradition (IJCT) / From the library of Prof. Wolfgang Haase, long-time editor of ANRW and the International Journal of the Classical Tradition (IJCT). - leicht berieben und besto�n, ansonsten tadelloser Zustand / lightly rubbed and scuffed, otherwise perfect condition - CONTENTS FOR VOLUME 104 -- Andrews, James A., Athenagoras, Stasis, and Factional Rhetoric (Thucydides 6.36-40) -- Baraz, Yelena, Euripides� Corinthian Princess in the Aeneid -- Bernstein, Neil W., Adoptees and Exposed Children in Roman Declamation: -- Commodification, Luxury, and the Threat of Violence -- Bexley, Erica M., Replacing Rome: Geographic and Political Centrality in Lucan�s -- Pharsalia -- Coffee, Neil, Statius� Theseus: Martial or Merciful? -- Cook, Erwin F., On the �Importance� of Iliad Book 8 -- Dillon, John Noel, A Note on the Text and Interpretation of Cornelius Nepos -- Alcibiades 10.2 -- Erdkamp, Paul, Polybius, the Ebro Treaty, and the Gallic Invasion of 225 b.c.e. -- Ferriss, Jennifer L., Catullus Poem 71: Another Foot Pun -- Haller, Benjamin, The Gates of Horn and Ivory in Odyssey 19: Penelope�s Call for Deeds, -- Not Words -- Kelly, Gavin, Adrien de Valois and the Chapter Headings in Ammianus Marcellinus -- Krebs, Christopher B., A Seemingly Artless Conversation: Cicero�s De Legibus -- (1.1-5) -- Lang, Philippa, Goats and the Sacred Disease in Callimachus� Acontius and Cydippe -- McGill, Scott, The Right of Authorship in Symmachus� Epistulae 1.31 -- Morelli, Alfredo M., Sighs of Lost Love: The Rufus Cycle in Martial (1.68 and -- 1.106) -- Pamias, Jordi, Eratosthenes and the Women: Reversal in Literature and Ritual -- Parkes, Ruth, Hercules and the Centaurs: Reading Statius with Vergil and Ovid -- Power. Tristan J., Suetonius Galba 1: Beginning or Ending? -- Pucci, Joseph, Ausonius� Ephemeris and the Hermeneumata Tradition -- Reece, Steve, Homer�s Winged and Wingless Words: IJTEPOEIE I AIITEPOE -- Robinson, Matthew, Ardua et Astra: On the Calculation of the Dates of the Rising and -- Setting of Stars -- Roochnik, David, What Is Theoria? Nicomachean Ethics Book 10.7-8 -- Schironi, Francesca, Theory into Practice: Aristotelian Principles in Aristarchean -- Philology -- Somerville, Ted, The Literary Merit of the New Gallus -- Stevens, Benjamin, Per gestum res est significanda mihi: Ovid and Language in -- Exile -- Swift, L. A., How to Make a Goddess Angry: Making Sense of the Demeter Ode in -- Euripides� Helen -- Tell, HAkan, Wisdom for Sale? The Sophists and Money -- Tyrrell, Wm. Blake, A Meaning for EHITAQTTIS Not Cited in LSJ -- Vine, Brent, A Hipponactean Echo in Catullus (Frigus, 44.20) -- Weinstein, Joshua L, The Market in Plato�s Republic -- Wharton, David, On the Distribution of Adnominal Prepositional Phrases in Latin -- Prose -- BOOK REVIEWS -- Allen: Revenge in Athenian Culture (McHardy) -- Arjava: The Fall of the Roman Household (Cooper) -- Champion: Rome Enters the Greek East: From Anarchy to Hierarchy in the Hellenistic -- Mediterranean, 230-170 bc (Eckstein) -- Formisano: Archimedes and the Roman Imagination (Jaeger) -- Galinsky: The Roman Triumph (Beard).