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Rare and modern books

Bartsch, Shadi, David Wray And Elizabeth M. Adkins (Eds.)

Classical Philology, 98. No. 1-4.

The University of Chicago Press, 2003.,

49.00 €

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(Berlin, Germany)

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Bartsch, Shadi, David Wray And Elizabeth M. Adkins (Eds.)
The University of Chicago Press, 2003.
410 p. Library binding Hardcover.
Dust jacket
First edition


Aus der Bibliothek von Prof. Wolfgang Haase, langj�igem Herausgeber der ANRW und des International Journal of the Classical Tradition (IJCT) / From the library of Prof. Wolfgang Haase, long-time editor of ANRW and the International Journal of the Classical Tradition (IJCT). - Einband berieben, sonst sehr guter Zustand / binding rubbed, otherwise very good condition. - CONTENTS FOR VOLUME 98 Bing, Peter, The Unruly Tongue: Philitas of Cos as Scholar and Poet Borthwick, E. Kerr, Text and Interpretation of Philebus 56A Budin, Stephanie Lynn, Pallakai, Prostitutes, and Prophetesses Burton, Joan B., A Reemergence of Theocritean Poetry in the Byzantine Novel Curley, Dan, Splendidior Vitro: Horace and Callimachus Davidson, John, Carcinus and the Temple: A Problem in the Athenian Theater Dillery, John, Putting Him Back Together Again: Apion Historian, Apion Grammatikos Dolbeau, Fran�s, A propos d�un agraphon: R�exions sur la transmission de l�homil�que latine antique, avec �tion du sermon �Sermo sacerdotis dei� Evans, T. V., The Last of the Optatives Foley, Helene, Choral Identity in Greek Tragedy Francis, James A., Clement of Alexandria on Signet Rings: Reading an Image at the Dawn of Christian Art Graham, Daniel W., Does Nature Love to Hide? Heraclitus Bl23 DK Lytle, Ephraim, Apuleius� Metamorphoses and the Spurcum additamentum (10.21) Malamud, Martha, Pompey�s Head and Cato�s Snakes Murgia, C. E., The Dating of Servius Revisited Nakamura, Byron, J., When Did Diocletian Die? New Evidence for an Old Problem Ruggini, Lellia Cracco, Rome in Late Antiquity: Clientship, Urban Topography, and Prosopography Sellars, John, Simon the Shoemaker and the Problem of Socrates Smith, Joseph A., Clearing Up Some Confusion in Callias� Alphabet Tragedy: How to Read Sophocles Oedipus Tyrannus 332-33 et al. Stover, Tim, Confronting Medea: Genre, Gender, and Allusion in the Argonautica of Valerius Flaccus Wray, David, What Poets Do: Tibullus on �Easy� Hands BOOK REVIEWS Brown: Emotion and Peace of Mind: From Stoic Agitation to Christian Temptation (Sorabji) Christ: Deception and Democracy in Classical Athens (Hesk) Cook: The Raft of Odysseus: The Ethnographic Imagination of Homer �s Odyssey (Dougherty) Curd: Myth and Philosophy: From the Presocratics to Plato (Morgan) Figueira: Sparta and Lakonia: A Regional History 1300 to 362 bc (Cartledge) Foster: Speaking the Same Language: Speech and Audience in Thucydides� Spartan Debates (Debnar) Gleason: Apuleius: Rhetorical Works (Harrison [ed. and trans.]; Hilton and Hunink [trans.]) Gutzwiller: The Path of the Argo: Language, Imagery and Narrative in the Argonautica of Apollonius Rhodius (Clare) Hall: The Archaeology of Ancient Greece (Whitley) Harder: Polyeideia: The Iambi of Callimachus and the Archaic lambic Tradition (Acosta- Hughes) Herrman: Interpreting a Classic: Demosthenes and His Ancient Commentators (Gibson) Katz: Cicero, Catullus, and the Language of Social Performance (Krostenko) Larmour: Satires of Rome: Threatening Poses from Lucilius to Juvenal (Freudenburg) Pucci: A Narratological Commentary on the Odyssey (de Jong) Sharrock: The Poetics of Latin Didactic: Lucretius, Vergil, Ovid, Manilius (Volk) Skinner: Learned Girls and Male Persuasion: Gender and Reading in Roman Love Eleg (James) BOOKS RECEIVED.