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Rare and modern books

Roure, Marquis Du (Auguste Francois Louis Scipion De Grimoard-Be, Auvoir)

Analectabiblion, ou extraits critiques de divers livres rares, oublies ou peu connus, tires du cabinet du Marquis D. R***. (Du Roure) (Analecta biblion)

Paris: Techener, 1836-1837,

495.00 €

Cole & Contreras Books

(Sitges, Spain)

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Roure, Marquis Du (Auguste Francois Louis Scipion De Grimoard-Be, Auvoir)
Paris: Techener, 1836-1837
colebiblio analecta biblion analectabiblion coleantiq
Dust jacket
First edition


Two volumes, complete. First and only edition of this groundbreaking and extremely rare work of critical bibliography, one of the great 19th-century books about books. Erudite studies of hundreds of books from Du Roure's collection, from the inception of printing to the early 19th century. According to tradition, only 100 copies printed. A LARGE-PAPER COPY PRINTED ON FINE WOVE PAPER. 8vo. Attractively bound in mid-20c quarter cloth and decorated boards, morocco spine labels. About fine. Tipped in at the back of the first volume are two letters dated 1969 from celebrated Parisian book dealer Edouard Loewy to Andres Roure, a Barcelona collector and direct descendant of the author, concerning the sale of this set. Vicaire I, 54; Odell II, 2181: "Very rare" (Odell, who collected books about books only a few decades after the publication of this set, could find only a defective copy).
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