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Rare and modern books

Carrington Lancaster, Henry

A History of French Dramatic Literature in the Seventeenth Century, 5 Vol. in 9 Books. Part I: 1610-1634, Part II: 1635-1651, Part III: 1652-1672, Part IV: 1673-1700, Part V: Recapitulation 1610-1700.

New York: Gordian Press, 1966.,

490.00 €

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Carrington Lancaster, Henry
New York: Gordian Press, 1966.
Part I Vol. I: 368 p.; Part I Vol. II: 372-790 p.; Part II Vol. I: 371 p.; Part II Vol. II: 373-804 p.; Part III Vol. I: 428 p.; Part III Vol. II: 429-896 p.; Part IV Vol. I: 482 p.; Part IV Vol. II: 483-984 p.; Part V: 235 p.
Dust jacket
First edition


Aus der Bibliothek von Prof. Wolfgang Haase, langj�igem Herausgeber der ANRW und des International Journal of the Classical Tradition (IJCT) / From the library of Prof. Wolfgang Haase, long-time editor of ANRW and the International Journal of the Classical Tradition (IJCT). - Part I Vol. I: Einband berieben und weist Anhaftungen auf, Buchschnitt leicht verschmutzt, innen sauber; Part I Vol. II: Einband berieben, kleiner Fleck auf Kopfschnitt, innen sauber; Part II Vol. I: Einband leicht berieben, sonst guter Zustand; Part II Vol. II: Einband berieben, sonst sehr guter Zustand; Part III Vol. I: Einband berieben, sonst sehr gut und sauber; Part III Vol. II: Einband berieben, Buchr�cken mit leichten Randl�ren, sonst gut und innen sauber; Part IV Vol. I: Einband leicht berieben, sonst sehr gut und sauber; Part IV Vol. II: leicht berieben, Vorderschnitt leicht angeschmutzt, sonst sehr gut und sauber; Part V: Einband leicht berieben, sonst sehr gut und sauber / Part I Vol. I: Binding rubbed and shows adhesions, spine slightly soiled, inside clean; Part I Vol. II: Binding rubbed, small stain on top edge, inside clean; Part II Vol. I: Binding slightly rubbed, otherwise good condition; Part II Vol. II: Binding rubbed, otherwise very good condition; Part III Vol. I: binding rubbed, otherwise very good and clean; Part III Vol. II: binding rubbed, spine with slight edge wear, otherwise good and clean inside; Part IV Vol. I: binding slightly rubbed, otherwise very good and clean; Part IV Vol. II: slightly rubbed, fore-edge slightly soiled, otherwise very good and clean; Part V: binding slightly rubbed, otherwise very good and clean. - Part I: The Pre-Classical Period 1610-1634: CONTENTS VOLUME I Chapter Introduction Abbreviations 1 � General Characteristics of Dramatic Literature in the Reign of Henri IV (1589-1610) II. � Alexandre Hardy (1595?-1631?) III. � Hardy�s Contemporaries from 1610 to 1618 IV. � Racan and Th�hile. Plays from 1619 to 1624 V. � Jean Mairet and other Dramatists (1625-1627) VI. � The New Generation. Du Ryer, Rotrou, etc. Plays of 1628 and 1629 VOLUME II VII. � The Pastoral (1630-1634) and the Introduction of the Unities VIII. � Tragi-comedy from 1630 to 1634 IX. � Comedy from 1630 to 1634. The D�t of Corneille X. � Tragedy from 1630 to 1634. Mairet�s Sophonisbe XL � Theaters, Stage Decoration, Actors, and Actresses Conclusion List or Extant Plays (1610-1634) Index / Part II: The Period of Corneille 1635-1651: CONTENTS VOLUME I Introduction CHAPTER I .�The Political, Social, and Professional Background (1635-1651) II .�Tragedy in 1635 and 1636. M�e, Mariane, Mithridate III .�Tragi-Comedy in 1635 and 1636. L�Innocente Infid�t�V Amant lib�l, Arbiran IV .�Comedy in 1635 and 1636. La Com�e des Tailleries, l�illusion comique, Alizon V .�Le Cid VI .�Tragedy from 1637 to 1639. Antigone, Essex, Alcion�. VII .�Tragi-Comedy from 1637 to 1639. Laure pers�t� Scipion, l�Amour tyrannique VIII .�Les Visionnaires and other Comedies of 1637-39 IX .�Horace, Cinna, Polyeucte, 1640-1642 X .�Tragedies of 1640-1642. Iphig�e, Agis, Sa�l, La Pucelle . VOLUME II XI .�Tragi-Comedy from 1640 to 1642. The Last Contributions of Richelieu, Desmaretz, and Mairet XII .�Comedy from 1640 to the Fronde (August, 1648) XIII .�Pomp� Rodogune, Th�ore, H�clius XIV .�Tragedies and Tragi-Comedies of Rotrou, Du Ryer, and Tristan, from 1643 to the Beginning of the Fronde. Venceslas, Sc�le, la Mort de S�que XV .�Tragedies by Minor Authors from 1643 to the Beginning of the Fronde XVI .�Tragi-Comedies by Minor Authors from 1643 to the Beginning of the Fronde XVII .�Amateur Religious Plays, 1645 to 1651 XVIII .�Androm�, Don Sanche, Nicom�, Pertharite XIX .�Tragedy and Tragi-Comedy from the Beginning of the Fronde to the End of 1651 XX .�Comedy from the Beginning of the Fronde to the End of 1651. L�H�tier ridicule, Les Illustres Fous, Dom Bertran Conclusion List of Extant Plays (1635-1651) Index Supplement to Part I / Part III: The Period of Moli� 1652-1672: CONTENTS VOLUME I Introduction CHAPTER I.�The Political, Social, and Professional Background, 1652-1672 II.-�Comedies by Thomas Corneille, Tristan, Boisrobert, Scarron, and Gillet, 1652-1658 III .�Comedies by New Authors, 1652-1658. Moli�, Quinault, Chappuzeau IV .�Tragi-Comedy, 1652-1658. Boisrobert, Quinault, Montauban . V .�Tragedy, 1652-1658. Cyrano, Thomas Corneille, Quinault . VI .�Villiers and Dorimond VIT.�Moli�, 1659-1663. Les Pr�euses ridicules, L�Ecole des maris, L�Ecole des femmes VIII .�Comedy, 1659-1662. Chappuzeau, Montfleury, Poisson, Bour- sault IX .�Chevalier X .�Satires in Dramatic Form XI .�The Pastoral. Tristan, Quinault, Moli� XII .�Amateur Religious Plays VOLUME II XIII .�Tragedy, 1659-1665. The Two Corneilles, Boyer, Racine, Quinault XIV .�� Machine � Plays. Corneille, Boyer, Moli�, de Vis� XV .�Tragi-Comedy and Com�e h��e, 1669-1672. The Corneilles, Moli�, Boyer, Quinault, Desjardins XVI .�Tragedy, 1666-1672. The Corneilles, Quinault, Boyer XVII .�Moli�, 1664-1666. Tartuffe, Don Juan, Le Misanthrope . XVIII .�Comedy, 1663-1666. Poisson, Br�urt, Quinault, Montfleury . XIX .�Moli�, 1667�February, 1673. L�Avare, Le Bourgeois Gentilhomme, Les Femmes savantes, Le Malade imaginaire . XX .�Comedies of 1667-72 by the Actors, Poisson, Champmesl�Haute- roche, Rosimond, and Nanteuil XXI .�Comedies by Racine, Thomas Corneille, Montfleury, de Vis�and Others, 1667-1672 Conclusion List of Extant Plays (1652-February, 1673) Index Supplement to Parts I and II / Part IV: The Period of Racine 1673-1700: CONTENTS VOLUME I Introduction CHAPTER I .�The Political, Social, and Professional Background, 1673- 1700 II .�Racine, 1667-1673 III .�Racine and His Rivals, 1674-1677. Iphig�e, Ph�e IV .�Tragedy, 1673-August, 1680. The Corneilles, Pradon, Abeille V .�Tragedy, August, 1680-March, 1689. La Chapelle, Genest, Boyer, Pradon, P�antr�I .�The Tragedies of Campistron, 1683-1697 VII .�Religious Plays, 1673-1700. Esther, Athalie VIII .�Tragedy, April, 1689-1700. Longepierre, La Grange-Chancel, La Fosse IX .�Comedy, 1673-August, 1680. Montfleury, Thomas Corneille, Hauteroche VOLUME II X .�Comedy from September, 1680, to April, 1689. Champmesl�Hauteroche, Boursault, Baron, Dancourt XI .�The Th�re Italien, 1681-1697 XII .�Palaprat, Brueys, Regnard, and Dufresny, 1689-1700 . XIII .�Dancourt, 1690-1700 XIV .�Comedy from April, 1689, to the End of 1700 XV .� Machine � Plays, Pastorals, Farces of the Foire, Proverbes, Political Satires Conclusion List of Plays, 1673-1700 Index Supplement to Parts I, II, and III / Part V: Recapitulation 1610-1700: CONTENTS Introduction CHAPTER I .�The Background II .�Actors and Theaters III .�Literary Influences IV .-�The Dramatists� Conceptions of Their Art V .�Dramatists Who Began to Write before Corneille VI .�Pierre Corneille VII .�Corneille�s Contemporaries Who began to Write in 1630-1648 VIII .�Thomas Corneille, Montauban, Quinault; Women Dramatists IX .�Racine and Other Authors of Tragedy, 1664-1700 . X .�Moli� XI .�Moli��s Rivals XII .�Moli��s Successors Conclusion Supplement to Parts I, II, III, and IV Subject Index of Parts I, II, III, IV, and V Finding List of Plays General Index of Parts I, II, III, IV, and V.