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Rare and modern books

Middleton, Charles Henry (Rembrandt)

A Descriptive Catalogue of the Etched Work of Rembrandt van Rhyn (catalogue raisonné of Rembrandt's etchings)

London: John Murray, 1878,

750.00 €

Cole & Contreras Books

(Sitges, Spain)

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Middleton, Charles Henry (Rembrandt)
London: John Murray, 1878
coleart catalogue raisonne rembrandt
Dust jacket
First edition


The rarest and perhaps the most important catalogue raisonné of Rembrandt's etchings. Middleton describes 329 works he considers authentic and 30 which he rejects, all in great detail, with particular attention to states. He also provides detailed, complex, and scholarly arguments justifying his acceptance or rejection of each questionable piece: he was the first to do so, and thus opened a new era in the study of these prints. lx, 341 pp., 12 plates with illustrations of details distiguishing states and copies, [2] pp. publisher's ads; "directions to binder" slip. A LARGE-PAPER COPY, beautifully printed on fine handmade Dutch laid paper. 4to. Finely bound in contemporary quarter morocco and cloth. Top edge gilt, other edges uncut. Slight, superficial wear to extremities of binding, internally bright and fine. Bourcard, p. 224: "A la fin de cette monographie, il y a 12 planches extremement curieuses.tout.est fort intéressant surtout à cause des réflexions que formule l'auteur pour arriver à demontrer ce qu'il affirme. Ce catalogue--qui est extremement rare (in 1911!)--a provoqué une ardente polemique entre l'auteur et Sir Francis Seymour Haden." Levis, p. 277: "One of the most important of the catalogues of Rembrandt's etchings." An excellent copy of a rare and important book.
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