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The American Jewish Congress, 1998 1970.,

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The American Jewish Congress, 1998 1970.
Dust jacket
First edition


57 Ausgaben je ca. 250 Seiten. Exemplare in gutem Zustand mit wenigen Gebrauchsspuren. Contents - Father Jacob and His Wives by David E. Fass and Samuel H. Dresner - The Polemic on Miracles by Ruth Birnbaum - Natural Law and Judaism: The Case of Maimonide sby Milton R. Konvitz - Torah and the Megabombs by Joseph Polak - Religious Freedom and the American Community by Leo Pfeffer - Liberal Politics and American Jewish Identity by Edward S. Shapiro - Plural Models and teh Authority of the Halakhah by Walter S. Wurzburger - Has Secular Judaism a Future? by Ben Halpern and Robert Gordis - Jewish Culture and Religion in Russia by Aryeh Y. Yodfat and Chone Shmeruk - There are Jews Everywhere by Oscar B. Goodman - Jewish Law: Eighteen Perspectives - The Symbolism of the Sukka by Jeffrey L. Rubenstein - Martin Buber on his Centennial: A Tribute and an EValuation - Interfaith at Fifty: An Evaluation of the Movement by Catholics, Protestants and Jews - The Thirtieth Anniversary of Judaism - Problems after Peace for Israel by Melvin I. Urofsky and Elieyer Berkovits - The Holocaust and the Intellectual by Stephen J. Whitfield - Jewish Writers: Past and Present: Yehudah Halevi, Leopold Kompert, Karl Emil Franzos, ISaac Bashevis Singer, Saul Bellow, Bernard Malamud - The Faith of an Israeli Father by Moses Cyrus Weiler - Conservative Judaism on its Ninetieth Birthday - Remembering Anne Frank by Jacob B. Michaelson - On the Hasidic Parable by Aryeh Wineman - Homosexuality and the Order of Creation by Samuel H. Dresner - Heschel and his Critics by Sol Tanenzapf - The Ethnic Consciousness of Early Russian Jewish Socialists by Erich Goldhagen - Reform and COnservative Judaism in Israel Today and Tomorrow - Stefan Zweig- a Letter and an Interview by Alfred Wolf - The Sabbath is Forever: A Symposium - The Genesis of Judaism by Robert Gordis - Mordecai M. Kaplan on his Hundredth Year - Black-Jewish Relations by Sol Roth and Nathan Perlmutter - The Reality of Radical Evil by Kenneth R. Seeskin - The Ugly Jew and the Cry for Normalcy by Lothar Kahn - Homosexuals and Homosexuality: Psychiatrists, Religious Leaders and Laymen compare notes - Judaism and Human Rights by Louis Henkin - Three Christian Views of the Holocaust - Varieties of Jewish Personality - Freud as a Jew by Leon Voegel and Robert Gordis - The Jewish Gangster - The Religious Criminal - Israel or Zion by Leonard J. Fein - The Charachteristics of Drug Abuse in the Perspective of Jewish Tradition by David Novak - Mordau as a Social Critic by Meir Ben-Horin - A Symposium on Patrilineal Descent - Israel and the Third World by Susan Aurelia Gitelson - Jews as Political Leaders - Three American Jewish Writers - A Salute to Israel on its 25th Anniversary - Judaism and Liberalism - Literature and the Jewish Crisis